CV-Parsing with hunter
The CV-EXTRACTOR is fecher's CV-parsing solution. This flexible web-based service is offered as an add–on to hunter. It can however also be integrated with existing personnel solutions from other manufacturers, e-Recruiting portals and websites.
hunter®CV-EXTRACTOR supports personnel consultants and HR departments by transferring data from received application documents to an existing specialized software application, with no time-consuming retyping. The application documents – received via e-mail, scanned in via OCR or downloaded from internet platforms – are transmitted to the integrated software using drag-and-drop. All of the recognized data such as previous positions held and skills are immediately saved to the database under the corresponding applicant.
Using the manufacturers' corresponding interfaces, you can also import data from professional networking sites and the CV Extractor will add the profile data to its database. In this process, it analyzes the data to be transferred for keywords and position information relating to a person's professional know how.
Transfer of a CV into hunter

With hunter's CV-EXTRACTOR, you save an enormous amount of time in transferring data to the software. As there is no need to manually retype data, the error rate is also reduced. When CV-EXTRACTOR is directly integrated with a career site or applicant portal, applicants also benefit from this service: When a résumé in PDF or Word format is uploaded, the required data is automatically entered into the appropriate form fields and following a quick proofreading, is ready to be sent.