Expansion Options

hunterPRIVACY: DSGVO in recruiting to protect personal data

Among other things, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) greatly expands data controllers' documentation and compliance obligations. In the future, personal data of candidates and contacts may only be stored following the express, written consent of the contact. The double opt-in method is an accepted, IT-supported substitute for time-consuming manual procedures (such as hand-signed correspondence) that provides verifiable proof of consent to data storage. This consent procedure is also available in hunter: The expansion option hunterPRIVACY automatically handles the obtaining of consent and the electronic documentation in the recruiting software.

Our team will gladly demonstrate the process to you directly in the software

And this is how it works: Once the function is configured in hunter, it only takes a single click to send a contact/candidate a personalized email asking for consent to data storage. This email contains two links, one each to decline or to agree (single opt-in), that lead to a web form which will be delivered together with the hunterPRIVACY module. The contact/candidate confirms the selection (double opt-in) on the web form. hunter directly logs the corresponding actions, which are visualized for the user via data protection "traffic lights".


The data protection process in hunter can and should be conducted for every candidate as well as every person stored in the database to obtain the individual, verifiable consent to the storage of their data. The double opt-in process of hunterPRIVACY can also be used for other scenarios requiring consent such as a newsletter subscription. Here, you can independently decide how many and which process steps you want to implement.

Along with the module, you will also receive some MS Word form-letter templates containing sample texts. For example, a template letting the candidate confirm his request for the deletion of his personal data and another that contains the suggested wording to acknowledge receipt of unsolicited and project applications. As a hunter client, you will also receive a prepared entry form for your website that you can maintain and edit yourself.